CA2 - big news from a tiny region

© Vivien Chevaleyre, Rebecca Piskorowski
Big news from a tiny region: The role of hippocampal region CA2 in information processing and epilepsy.
We are very happy to invite you to this half-day symposium on February 16, 2023, at our Lecture Hall or via zoom, to share novel insights into CA2’s role in memory processing and disease.
Speakers & Agenda
14:00 Welcome & introduction14:15 Thomas McHugh (Riken Brain Science, Japan): Behavioral status modulates CA2 influence on hippocampal network dynamics (virtual talk)
15:00 Rebecca Piskorowski (Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris Inserm, France): Environmental enrichment and social isolation modulate inhibitory transmission and plasticity in hippocampal area CA2
15:45 Coffee break
16:15 Ute Häussler (University of Freiburg, Germany): Integration of the CA2 region in the hippocampal network during epileptogenesis
17:00 Tristan Manfred Stöber (Ruhr Universität Bochum & Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Germany): Cooperate to compete – Identifying a potential role for hippocampal region CA2 in episodic memory formation
17:45 Meet & mingle + food
Please note: these times are given in Central European Time (CET).
Organizers & Registration
Tristan Manfred Stöber, Peter Jedlička, Hermann CuntzParticipation is free of charge. To register and for further information please write to stoeber(at)
This symposiun is supported and co-organized by the GRADE Initiative Learning in Spiking Neural Networks and the GRADE Center Brain.
Participation on-site & via zoom
The venue is the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience, Deutschordenstraße 46, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.To participate in the symposium online: click here on the date of the event.
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