ESI News
Growth and Change – research report
The new research report summarizes the most important publications and findings, and gives interesting insights in the work of the ESI research groups
One day as a neuroscientist
For this year's Girls'Day campaign, 24 girls between 12 and 16 once again visited the Ernst Strüngmann Institute to spend one day as neuroscientists
Frankfurt has brain
At this year's live event, brain research was explained in an exciting, creative and captivating way - Matthias Grabenhorst and his guitar were on stage for the ESI
Schmidt Lab
Every connection counts
Researchers at the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) have succeeded for the first time in carrying out a large-scale 3D electron microscope analysis of the CA3 region in the hippocampus and showing how strongly the individual nerve cells are interconnected.